Welcome to The TPS Report, home to video game blogs, mix sets and even the odd piece o' 3D art.

Broke arse student, freelance games reviewer and rambling obsessive that I am, I currently seek work in mags and web sites throughout the world. If you're in a position to make that happen - and like what you see around here - let me know. I've published work with the likes of IGN and Gaming Steve.


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Score Breakdown
Just what those wee numbers mean exactly.

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Multi-platform gaming chit chat, along with whatever interesting news and downloads I happen to stumble across amidst the interpipes.

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Future Plans For the Site
28/7/2012 22:31

Preview Time! Games to Look Out For in 2011
8/1/2011 5:54

2010's Games of Shame
6/1/2011 22:47

My Fave Games of 2010!
6/1/2011 20:12

StarCraft II Review - Dig Loveth the RTS!?
7/11/2010 12:48

10 Must-Have iPhone Games
2/6/2010 18:09

A Little Hotlink to An Article I Stuck Up On GiantBomb
21/4/2010 15:01

Aliens Vs Predator is Here! Woo! Oh, Hang On...
6/3/2010 20:58

iPhone Games!
6/3/2010 20:40

The Top 30 Games of an Obscenely Packed 2009. Shit Gets Epic
7/1/2010 20:09


If interested in discussing writing opportunities for on or offline gaming publications - either UK based or abroad - please contact me via E-Mail. Sparkling CV available on request



Endorsing Fable
Posted by Diggler - 18/10/2004 20:52

A game in the making for so many years, Fable didn't quite turn out to be the revolutionary cutting edge experience that was originally promised. Creator Peter Molyneux even released an official apology last week which is worth a paste;

There is something I have to say. And I have to say it because I love making games. When a game is in development, myself and the development teams I work with constantly encourage each other to think of the best features and the most ground-breaking design possible.

However, what happens is that we strive to include absolutely everything we've ever dreamt of and, in my enthusiasm, I talk about it to anyone who'll listen, mainly in press interviews. When I tell people about what we're planning, I'm telling the truth, and people, of course, expect to see all the features I've mentioned. And when some of the most ambitious ideas get altered, redesigned or even dropped, people rightly want to know what happened to them.

If I have mentioned any feature in the past which, for whatever reason, didn't make it as I described into Fable, I apologise. Every feature I have ever talked about WAS in development, but not all made it. Often the reason is that the feature did not make sense. For example, three years ago I talked about trees growing as time past. The team did code this but it took so much processor time (15%) that the feature was not worth leaving in. That 15 % was much better spent on effects and combat. So nothing I said was groundless hype, but people expecting specific features which couldn't be included were of course disappointed. If that's you, I apologise. All I can say is that Fable is the best game we could possibly make, and that people really seem to love it.

I have come to realise that I should not talk about features too early so I am considering not talking about games as early as I do. This will mean that the Lionhead games will not be known about as early as they are, but I think this is the more industry standard.

Our job as the Lionhead family of studios is to be as ambitious as we possibly can. But although we jump up and down in glee about the fabulous concepts and features we're working on, I will not mention them to the outside world until we've implemented and tested them, and they are a reality.

Thank you for reading.


If you ask me though, who cares about that when all's said and done? The important part isn't what got cut, but how the end game turned out - and I'm happy to report that Fable is a brilliant game in its own right, cut features be damned.

I could spend an eternity detailing the history, plot and gameplay specifics of this delicious new RPG masterpiece, but decided against it in the end as so many other mags and review sites have already done the whole 8-page-Fable-extravaganza thing. Instead I'll skip the foreplay and delve right into my underlying opinions, including some specific thoughts and feelings on this fabulous adventure. For some more details on the actual game I can highly recommend the IGN review.


Let me start by just praising the graphics. The world of Albion is a beautiful, inviting one - the kind of place you wish you could live in. The gorgeous colours, the attention to detail, the atmospheric music - it feels kinda like you've downed some 'shrooms and gone wondering through The Shire.

The way the game piles on excessive graphical effects and filters makes it even more of a sight to behold, and you're left with one of the most truly stunning looking RPGs you'll ever see. The one single thing holding the visuals back is the low resolution of the shadows, which during the close-up cut scenes, ruin the illusion somewhat.

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A game that's as beautiful to look at as it is fun to play
I call it an RPG, but at times Fable feels more like a simple adventure game than a full-on role playing game, with more in common with Zelda and Beyond Good & Evil than Never Winter Nights. There's no better example of that than the combat system. Not content with the boring old turn-based RPG bollocks, Fable opts for a much more fluid real-time beat 'em up style. The three different fighting methods stop combat from becoming a button bash fest though, and the "combat multiplier" system it uses is a great little sub-game in itself.

Hardcore RPGers may be turned off by this sort of simplicity and accessibility, but that's not to say there's no depth in Fable - quite the opposite in fact. The sense of freedom and ability to do whatever you want is what sets Fable apart from the rest. You can happily plow on through the central (and very linear) main quest like you would any other game, enjoying its pleasing story and characters, but you can also deviate off at any point and do any other number of things that tickle your fancy.

Fishing, getting drunk, playing bar games, searching for treasure, shagging girls, digging up graves, robbing houses, going off on side quests, and enjoying the robust trading system are just some of the many things that come to mind. There's just so many little tangents and Easter eggs, I doubt anyone will ever truly see all this game has to offer. Heck, you can even mix your time between beating up kids, and murdering your wife when she won't have sex with you.

This all works so well thanks to the sense of life given to the various towns and villages. Traders carry goods up from the docks, kids play in the yard, shops close at night, and people even lock their doors and go to sleep. This underlying Sims-like system gives the world a whole other reality never seen in an RPG before.

Even cooler is how this world then reacts to you. If you charge through towns scaring the peasants and slaughtering the guards for instance, people will run screaming from you wherever you go. If however you do good deeds, help the locals out, and build up some renown, strangers will welcome you with open arms and applaud you on site.

Character Customisation Done Differently

Which leads us onto the great sense of customisation given to your character. Whereas in most games you'd decide on a look by choosing various options at the start of the game, Fable automatically alters your character's appearance based on how you play. If you follow the dark path you'll sprout horns, if you constantly use magic your hair'll slowly turn white, and if you punch your way through everything in site you'll grow big and bulky. You can then buy new clothes, have your hair cut, and even get tattoos to round off your desired look. The end result is a character who truly reflects you and your play style, and chances are he'll look like a completely different person than when your friend plays.

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Your appearance alters depending on your play style
As stated, you can play good, evil or anywhere in between. Rather than set out with an agenda, like "I'm gonna be an evil sadistic fuck", the best way to play is actually just to improvise as you go along; take each situation as it comes and be true to yourself. This results in a character who oddly mirrors your real life alter ego, and it's a rather surreal experience.

Failing that you can ditch the swords and turn yourself into an archer like Legolas, or stick with the magic and become a Jedi like Obi-Wan. The sheer scope of choices on offer are amazing in that way, and really emphasise a need to replay the game long after you complete it. Personally I rarely find games worthy of replaying, at least not until years later when it's driven more out of nostalgia than anything, but Fable is one rare game that I could easily repeat immediately. Not just to try a different take on the good/bad angle, but also in the style of combat I pick, the clothes I wear, the look of my character, the people I kill, and the ones I spare.

Skilled Players Need Not Apply

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Play as an axe-wielding brute or a stealthy assassin - the choice is yours
To be honest, this extra longevity is a damn good thing, because Fable is one easy game. In fact I completed the entire core quest without dieing once, and in a little under 15 hours. This can be stretched out considerably by doing all the side quests and exploring every single inch of Albion though, and it's also worth noting that leaving the game to roll on over the end credits allows you to continue playing your character indefinitely, even after evil has been defeated. This essentially means the game never ends, and you can go on exploring and, well, screwing for as long as you like.

Either way, Fable isn't a game you blast through in a day, it's something to be savoured. If you pick this work of beauty up for yourself, take your time with it. Breathe in those sites and sounds. Explore to your hearts content. Avoid the main quest and just bathe in Albion's beauty. Much like tappin' that arse, gratification rewards patience. Taking your time with this masterpiece could yield a game that takes anywhere up to 30 hours to complete.

While Fable isn't quite up to the level of Knights of the Old Republic, it still takes a firm second place as one of the Xbox' premier RPGs. Get this game.

(Pictures courtesy of Fable)

Untitled Document

The Polynomial. Like playing a rave

Untitled Document

Fallout 3

Enjoying a fully modded out re-visit. Wow

The Road

Pretty much due to the above

Breaking Bad

Already shaping up to be the best season yet

Explosions in the Sky

Easing the pain of living in a post-Friday Night Lights world

Untitled Document


The TPS Forum
Official boards for the site

The old Edge forums gone independent. The busiest and most interesting gaming board around, worthy of multiple visits a day

Another exceptional gaming forum, featuring one of the friendliest communities on the net, and up to the minute news

A more US-centric gaming board, with huge piles of traffic and even the odd famous face

Gaming Shows

The 1up Radio Network
1up.com's collection of weekly gaming podcasts, the pick of which would have to be ListenUP, full of juicy rumors and interesting banter week in, week out

Area 5
Formerly The 1up Show, since losing their jobs the old video editing team have continued doing what they do best, in an independent internet-based TV show, covering whatever upcoming games they can get their hands on, and various other bits and pieces

Fully Ramblomatic
A hysterical gaming blogger posting what he calls "zero punctuation" video reviews that have to be seen - and heard - to be believed

A Life Well Wasted
Freelance journalist Robert Ashley's internet radio show, with a far more interesting and professional demeanor than your typical podcast. Interviews, fast-paced editing and catchy tunes abound

On the Spot
The humongous gaming site known as Gamespot broadcasts a video show each week, in which upcoming games are demoed live on air, and viewers are invited to send in questions to find out more

The Hotspot
Gamespot's audio-based companion to On the Spot, in which site editors cover the week's news while simultaneously poking fun at all that is gaming

Gaming Steve
A more mature podcast, hosted by a long-time games industry professional armed with a ton of insider info and loads of interesting opinions. The Dig's been known to post articles and stories on here from time to time

Quick-fire internet-based TV show with console reviews and comedy sketches. Funny as hell

Major Nelson
An interesting "blogcast" hosted by a Microsoft employee, featuring stacks of exclusive behind the scenes news and interviews relating to all things Xbox 360

The Kojima Productions Report
Official podcast from the team of Hideo Kojima, creator of the much-loved Metal Gear franchise. Full of news and interviews relating to all things Metal Gear, it's probably one for die-hard fans only

Pure Pwnage
Mockumentary series on the life of a pro gamer. Episode five is possibly the funniest thing on the internet

Other Sites

What you could call gaming's homepage. Constantly updated news and links on the entire industry, from minute breaking headlines, to funny arse viral vids

Game Trailers
Easy to use multimedia-rich web site offering official trailers, video demos and sneak peaks at all the upcoming releases

Game Videos
Sister site to 1up.com, focusing on game trailers, video interviews and even the odd documentary

The Gamespot front-end, and the gaming equivalent of the Internet Movie Database. Includes detailed reviews and extensive video features on pretty much all systems and games ever made

Giant Bomb
Speaking of Gamespot, the controversial "letting go" of editor Jeff Gerstmann resulted in him starting up this new venture with fellow former writers of the site. Great podcast in particular

Discounting the audio and video shows mentioned earlier, 1up's main site is also worth a visit in its own right. Not only bustling with quality gaming articles and extensive developers' blogs, it also doubles up as a massive friends network, ideal for meeting fellow gamers and joining like-minded communities

Live Marketplace Feed
The most up to date and reliable way to keep track of all the new Xbox Live Marketplace content, from new weapons and map packs, to movie trailers and game demos

Xbox Reloaded
360 backwards compatibility can be a minefield. This blog attempts to shed some light on the issue by playing original Xbox games for you and reporting back the results

The ultimate resource for walkthroughs and cheats

Disposable Media
A wonderful (and free) E-zine, full of reviews and articles on gaming, movies, music and TV. Puts most high street mags to shame

A must-have for all PC gamers, X-Fire is a buddy list and communications tool that keeps constant tabs on what games both you and all your mates are playing, on or offline

A contender to the X-Fire throne that has pretty much overtaken it straight out of the gate. Valve's Steam client contains friends lists, downloadable games, Live-style achievements and plenty more to sink your teeth into

Convert your Xbox Live gamercard into an image, for use on forums and web sites for free. That's mine further down

Ain't it Cool News
The latest news, gossip and spy reports from the world of movies, TV and (occasionally) video games

Writer, director and actor Kevin Smith - he of Clerks fame - records a monthly podcast in which he and fellow pals discuss everything from trying to felate oneself, to the time his dog got covered in ejaculate. Riveting stuff


Matt Robinson, 2011

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